The Story of How God Radically Changed Our Lives

The Journey Begins...

Once upon a time, five months ago to be exact, we asked God to radically change our lives.     [Warning:   If you ask God to radically cha...

Monday, January 12, 2015

Letting Go

We recently started the huge task of downsizing (where did all this stuff come from?!), and the reality of the monumental changes ahead has instigated a few tearful conversations between God and me.  A couple weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night and in my half-asleep state I told God that this journey just wasn't what I was expecting.  Suddenly, I heard a voice say, "BINGO!" 
What?! What does that mean?  And then God, in his oh-so-gentle way, explained, "Audrey, this journey has never been about YOUR expectations--it's about MINE!  And my expectations are so much bigger and better than yours.  So if you're ready to let go of your expectations, we can get on with what I have planned instead of what YOU expect."  Ouch. Ok God, I get it.  Please help me live it.


  1. I can so relate, Audrey! So often I've felt like God say ... "Press forward ... but hold everything loosely and with open hands. Don't grip onto anything but Me." Not an easy task, but He is faithful! Love and hugs to you, Audrey!

  2. Great pics and update. Glad to hear that the Lord is already using all of you in a mighty way. PG will never be the same.
    We love you guys,
    Mom and Dad


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