The Story of How God Radically Changed Our Lives

The Journey Begins...

Once upon a time, five months ago to be exact, we asked God to radically change our lives.     [Warning:   If you ask God to radically cha...

Friday, April 17, 2015


In a valiant effort to prepare for unusual Alaskan cuisine, Klaira and Maddie go on a treasure hunt for the famed Geoduck (gooey-duck) clams.  Great success -- Carpaccio for dinner!  We actually enjoyed this raw, thinly sliced delicatessen. God, we are so grateful for your abundant provision!

"Everything that lives and moves will be food for you.  Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything."  Genesis 9:3

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Do Life BIG!

Let’s face it—someday we’ll all be standing before the Big Man upstairs.  And on that day, as you and He look back over your earthly resume, what will your conversation with Him be like?

“Congratulations, you lived a safe life.” Or “Wow, eighty years and you did what?”  Or worse yet, “Looks like a you spent a lifetime chasing everything except Me.”

Like it or not we’ll all have an exit interview with God.  Compared to eternity, your appointment with the Boss is relatively soon.  Are you preparing for the most important conversation of your life?

As for me, the day I kick the bucket and sit on my Father’s lap as we’re DVR-ing my life, I’d love to be able to give Him a fist bump and say with Him, “Wow, what a ride!”

Honestly, I feel like somewhat of a hypocrite in writing this post.  Would I describe my entire life as one marked by adventure?  Well, not exactly.  You see, I love comfort, stability, and being king of the remote control.  In fact, up until last summer, I had a beautiful home, I was the founder and director of a successful Christian ministry for 18 years, I was surrounded by loving family and friends--together with my beautiful wife and amazing kids we were living the quintessential American Dream.

Then I did it.  After a summer of studying the book of Revelation with my wife, I had a renewed perspective on my final exit interview with God.  I started praying a simple prayer. “God, please change my life so I can radically glorify and experience you.”  

I’m not sure what I expected, but one week later and as clear as day, God responded.  “Resign from your job.”  

What?!  God, are you sure you didn’t dial the wrong number?  No further instructions?  What’s your strategic plan?  

His response, “One step at a time.”

Two days later I tendered my resignation with my Board of Directors.  No plan, no fall back, no safety net.  

Fast forward eight months.  All of my family’s worldly possessions fit into a small trailer and shed, we are homeless, and my family and I are embarking on a 2,800 mile road trip to a remote village in Alaska to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to a village of 150 Aluetiiq Indians.   

Radical life change?   I think so.  Uncomfortable?  Absolutely.  Uncertain of the future?  Every day.
Experiencing God?  Beyond what I thought possible.  Feeling alive in Christ?  On fire.  Has He provided everything my family and I need?  Abundantly.

Don't get me wrong, it is not an easy road! The worldly cost for following Jesus is high.  I have given up my "kingdom", lost relationships with close friends, experienced ridicule, and let go of my pursuit for worldly success.

But when I weigh all the costs versus the benefits, would I go back to my “old” life?  Never again.  As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!

God has given each one of us the choice, resources, and time to write the materials for our exit interview.  Like Jesus’ time on Earth, God has called all of us into a relationship with Him that is radical, uncomfortable, and life-changing.  He’s built in all of us a deep desire to live a life that is marked by excitement, passion, and risk—we are all wired to do life BIG for Him.

Dads, husbands, and men—are you living your life radically for Him?  Are you leading by example, specifically in regards to your wife and kids?  You play one the most important roles in the spiritual development of your family.  You have the ability to influence your wife and children’s exit interviews with God.  Are you willing to radically follow Jesus and teach your family to do the same?  

If this is your heart's desire, I strongly encourage you to pray the simple prayer of radical transformation.  “God, please change my life so that I can radically glorify and experience you.”  Trust me, He will hear your prayer and send you on the adventure of your life. 

And on that special day, when you stand before God enjoying the reruns of your life, you will confidently say with Him, “Wow, what a ride!”

Choose wisely.


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