The Story of How God Radically Changed Our Lives

The Journey Begins...

Once upon a time, five months ago to be exact, we asked God to radically change our lives.     [Warning:   If you ask God to radically cha...

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Bison, Moose and Bears, OH MY!

We made it!  After months of planning, weeks of packing, and days of driving, we arrived in Alaska last week.  The drive was nothing short of amazing.  Perfect weather, very little traffic, incredible scenery, and the wildest of wildlife.  Here are some highlights we experienced along the way...

One of many great stops along the road.  Speaking of roads, this 22-mile gravel section was full of deep potholes, washboards, and broken pavement.  We still had all of our teeth by the end of it, but we were minus a few brake lights and plastic car parts!

Bison were plentiful--this newborn was just hours old and still wobbly on his feet. 
Along the way, we knew we were in Bison territory by the thousands of bison "presents" along the road.

One of the numerous streams we saw along the way. If Audrey hadn't packed Steve's fishing poles in the middle of the trailer, we might still be in Canada!

Klaira & Maddie attending to Riley (the only one of us detained, thank you God!) at the Canadian Border crossing.
 One of the 12 bears (7 grizzly and 5 black bears) we saw alongside the road.  This one was our favorite...he even stood on his hind feet for us.  What a ham!

Remnants of old mining villages scattered the highway.  Here was an old chapel in the middle of nowhere, Canada.

On the road in Canada, hundreds of tourists have made their mark alongside the road.  We like to say the Ristow(s) Rock :)

These gentle giants are prolific in Homer.  Yesterday, I was pumping gas in town and out popped a moose about 20 feet from me

Enjoying a reindeer hot dog in Anchorage (Riley our dog was impressed!)

Home(r) at last!

1 comment:

  1. Feel like I've been on the road trip with you. What beautiful pictures. Praying for you all and missing you too.

    Debbie & Lily


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